Opinions abound, and today I’ll spew mine. Woohoo! Here’s my top-four, favorite novels of 2018. Following these masterful and magnificent works, is a cascade of worthy notables!
Hi! I’m Travis Borne and these are my personal favorites, based on me and what I like. So if I just happen to fancy traveling through a wormhole a tad more than sneaking about with a shotgun on a spooky night, or if I enjoy sailing on a pirate spaceship, in space, a smidgen more than sailing in the ocean, then it doesn’t mean that any novel I list here is actually better or worse than any other on this list.
I try and read as many novels as I can, but apart from raising four kids, running several businesses, and working on my own novels, I cannot quite reach the 50 novels (or more), per-year level. Not by far—well, at least not yet. This year I read 20-25 works of fiction, as well as about 18 audio-books. The audio-books I choose are always non-fiction, for which, I added my top-3 favs for those, at the very bottom.
Now, with all that said, so you know where I’m coming from, here we goooooo…
My 4th favorite novel of 2018: Within the Glass Darkly, by William Gareth Evans
Need a new favorite VAMPIRE tale? Then this is it, hands down! And I must say, that is the solid smack-dab truth, for me. I especially liked the integration of a dream world, where Vampires get to enjoy their endless purgatory.
Read my full review of: Within The Glass Darkly: Volume 1 of the Glass Darkly Gothic Vampire Series
Visit William Gareth Evans’ author page, where you’ll find sequels to Within The Glass Darkly, and other masterful works by William. I cannot wait to dive into these sequels!
Pick up your copy of Within the Glass Darkly, from Amazon. Don’t wait, it’s that good!
William is a top supporter of other authors on Twitter. I highly recommend you follow him!
William Gareth Evans on Twitter
My 3rd favorite novel of 2018: Arcadia Falls, by Ken Stark
When they stumbled into Old Town, the spookiness, the weird fact that such a place had been, just forgotten, that it even existed in the first place, well, it was then I knew. Ken Stark’s novel, Arcadia Falls, was going to be in my top favorites for 2018!
I highlighted more snippets in Ken’s novel than I did when when reading The Incredible Shrinking Man, by Richard Matheson. I love going back to read the highlights, sinking into the sheer creativity Ken Stark possesses; imagine relaxing in hot springs, and all is right within the brain, and magical, sparking, visionary, then jolting. Hot ahhh, to ice cold!
Read my review of Arcadia Falls, and pick up your copy now!
Get Arcadia Falls from Amazon.
And read Ken’s many other works. I see the ratings for these novels exploding like fireworks—everywhere I turn! Visit Ken Stark’s author page.
Ken is a top supporter of other authors on Twitter. I highly recommend you follow Ken Stark on Twitter
My 2nd favorite novel of 2018: Flint of Dreams, by Charles Peterson Sheppard
One of the hardest decisions here, was choosing this amazing novel over my first-place winner, and if you read it, you’ll know just why. When ___ (blank in place of the name because I don’t want to spoil anything) entered the dream world, when he (or she) made a decision to believe, to change—I knew it. This novel was special! Charles’ Flint of Dreams could easily be my first-place winner! For a novel that shocks, jars, then sends to you to na alchemistic, chimerical dream world, making you feel as though you really are there, are actually dreaming, well, do not pass on this title! Read my review of Flint of Dreams, here.
Pick up your copy of Flint of Dreams, now!
Want to read more amazing novels like this, from Charles. Check out Charles Peterson Sheppard’s author page on Amazon
Charles is a top supporter of other authors on Twitter. I highly recommend you follow Charles Peterson Sheppard on Twitter
And now, the WINNER!
My favorite novel of 2018: Rapier, by R. A. “Doc” Correa
Doc’s novel has it all. And when I say “it all,” I DO NOT say it lightly. There’s space pirates and love and loss. Numerous fantastical worlds and battle stations! Because you will be manning a battle station if you read this novel, and there will be terrible plights—and wonderful, profound moments that’ll touch your heart and enchant your mind. Feeeeel the soul of a beautiful person. Grow up with her, a beautiful, spunky, amazing little girl who you will absolutely and wholly, fall in love with!
Doc puts you right into the action, swordfight action and hardi-harrr, to hyperspace. You’ll even, be immersed in gas, swimming while nebulaeic whales—can you believe it! But eventually, back to the one place you had thought, once upon a time and in another life, that you wanted to be.
Read my review of Rapier, an otherworldly tale that’ll take you—EVERYWHERE!
Pick up your copy of Rapier, from Amazon!
Add R. A. “Doc” Correa to your new favorite author’s list! Visit R. A. “Doc” Correa’s author page on Amazon.
R. A. “Doc” Correa is a top supporter of other authors on Twitter. I highly recommend you follow R. A. “Doc” Correa on Twitter
Now, a cascade of worthy notables! Fabulous, talented people, masters of their craft.
In no particular order, the following is a list of some very notable reads, written by amazing authors. Also, each author listed below is a top supporter of other authors on Twitter and elsewhere. I will include each author’s Twitter link, and I highly recommend you follow each of these superbly wonderful and creative people!
WINNER! Most shocking, riveting, provocative, and gritty: Gavin, by Russell the Author
Read my review of Gavin
Make sure to follow Russell on Twitter!
WINNER! Most dreamy, with the BEST ending: Crossroads Through Time, by Sheryl M. Frazer, author
Read my review of Crossroads Through Time
Make sure to follow Sheryl on Twitter!
WINNER! Most terrifying, and TRUE: The Glass Mask, by E.L. Dubois, author
Read my review of The Glass Mask
Make sure to follow E.L. Dubois on Twitter!
WINNER! Most sexual, shocking, sensual, steamy: In The Dark, by Martha Perez, author
Make sure to follow Martha on Twitter!
WINNER! Most adventurous, risky, daring, and TRUE. The movie coming soon: Wrong Place Wrong Time, by David Perlmutter, author
Read my review of Wrong Place Wrong Time
Make sure to follow David on Twitter!
WINNER! Most hilarious science-fiction, jarring, and can I say hilarious again! BOB, by Tegon Maus, author
Read my review of BOB
Make sure to follow Tegon on Twitter!
WINNER! Most unpredictable, jolting, and interesting: Dream State, by K.Z. Howell, author
Make sure to follow KZ on Twitter!
WINNER! Most gory, gross, bloody, and zombified: The Dead Undone, by Ellie Douglas, author
Read my review of The Dead Undone
Make sure to follow Ellie on Twitter!
WINNER! Most all-out fun! And a Salesman Came to Town, by Ian Campbell, author
Read my review of And a Salesman Came to Town
Make sure to follow Ian on Twitter!
Last but not least, my top-3 favorite audio-books of 2018, from Audible.
Check these out if you like audio books. These are my personal top-3 favorites of 2018!
My #1 favorite:
12 Rules for Life
An Antidote to Chaos
By: Jordan B. Peterson
My 2nd favorite:
Goodbye, Things
The New Japanese Minimalism
By: Fumio Sasaki
My 3rd favorite:
Unfu*k Yourself
Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life
By: Gary John Bishop
That’s it! Thanks for reading. Keep supporting. Stay well. And all the best. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
~Travis Borne
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