Uncensored, ME. Out there…BLAM! Another INTERVIEW. Ouch, NOT again!
Why? Because authors put themselves out there! Read along if you’d like, about crazy ol’ me. This is a copy of the February 2019 1st-Saturday Sci-Fi author interview of me, Travis Borne, from author and supporter, Tegon Maus.
1. Tell us about your favorite work… what makes it special ?
Does it have to be my work? I’m guessing so, duh, but I also read a ton, and to be honest I’ve yet to read a story were the author hasn’t poured his or her soul into his or her work. Really, I’m just grateful to be a part of all that. I’m grateful add a slice of my soul to the magnificent works floating around out there. And I might add—the millions of work out there that DESERVE, by far, like out-of-this-galaxy, MORE ATTENTION!
But…assuming again—smack to my jaw, PUNCH—you are talking about my work…
BTW, Tegon, I loved you novel, BOB. Your style was quite different than mine & what I’m used to, and I find that very refreshing, which is it why I read indie author’s works in the first place—and besides some non-fiction in the form of audio-books, and just about nothing else—BOB had me busting up from start to finish. It possessed tons of cool sci-fi intergalactic nerd stuff too!
My two books available for purchase are LENDERS I: The Unlicensed Consciousness, and the sequel, LENDERS II: The Time Tribulations. I’m currently working on the third and final installment. What makes them special? They have sex, drugs, more drugs, and rock & roll. But hardcore stuff aside, if you don’t find yourself laughing, and crying, and being shocked to all hell after reading them, then hit me up. I have found SPOCK. He lives! And I’d like to have a beer with the pointy-eared ol’ dude. Actually I don’t drink beer. Spock can have the whole six-pack, I’ll drink tequila from my flask.
2. What do you think makes for good Sci-Fi ?
Having all of the above. And one must be a full-grown adult, in order to be allowed all of the above. When I mean all, I mean all. Cut throats, sex every which way, tear a falling and vocal cords a laughing, from shit that’ll blow the top of your head off. And, last but not least, experience. Real-life experience translated into fiction, well, that is, perhaps, the only way to roll. The best way? I think it makes a difference, and I think readers can tell.
3. Do you think your books can help shape the future and if so how?
My first two will probably scare the you-know-what out of you! So yeah, as far as a good intestinal cleansing, yep. Future changed. As far as really changing anything—I’m gonna make this short: We’re all screwed. It might not be bad, it might not be good or even better, but it will be different. And there is nothing that anyone can do about it. So, no, besides scaring the hell out of someone first, worry for no reason, because the sh*t is going to hit the fan, my book won’t change it any more than any other book.
4. Do you have inside jokes or true events hidden in your writing?
They’re so many Easter eggs, inside jokes, true events in Lenders I and Lenders II that you’ll probably be wondering, how in the hell? And, did this, could this, really have happened. I’ll never say. But remember above when I said that real-life experiences make for the best fiction. I’ve read vicarious experiences translated, and real ones. You know, I know, and after reading Lenders, you’ll know too, and you might have to clean your drawers.
5. Which do you prefer… model your characters after people you know or just make them up?
Same as above. Use what ya know. I get most from real life. That’s where the good stuff is, and that, is mostly from where I’ve gotten much that has gone into my novels. Flying through wormholes, into the Sun, time travel, no. But destroying the armrest, getting caught with your pants down, explosive partying, drinking, drugs, and sex, yes. Yes, yes yes!
6. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to take away?
I’d like my readers, disregarding all else above, the sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll, to take away a message of LOVE. It’s science fiction, yep, but after you read my work, all you voracious readers out there—and THANK YOU—I want your heart to feel warm. I want a tear coming down your cheek. I want you to openly cry and say, holy sh*t. Because that’s what I did for both novels. Tell me I’m a lunatic, but ya gotta read it to say so veritably. I’m honored if you’d initiate your dive into my world. I don’t write to disappoint.
7. What is your favorite review?
I have many from Lenders I: The Unlicensed Consciousness. But my favorite must be by Mark Schultz, for after and during reading, he would message me privately. And he told me me novels were his favorites. That coming from someone who reads more than sixty books a year. I almost couldn’t believe it. I mean, I’ve read your work Tegon, and damn if it isn’t just amazing. In fact, BOB is one of my top-favorite novels of 2018!
But after reading Mark’s review, and hearing feedback from countless other, I know it was at least okay. And I’m humbled by that. I’m happy like any author, I suppose. And I’m paying it back my reading and reviewing as many indie author’s works as I can. As I said, there’s just too much talent out there that does not get the attention it deserves. This year, 2019, I plan to read and review over 100 novels, and am on track to do so, in conjunction with finishing Lenders III.
One other memorable review I received compared my work to some Hollywood Blockbusters. The title said: “The Dark Tower Series meets Ready Player One meets Lock In,” and the last sentences in the review said: “One of the things I enjoyed most was that the author wrote fluently & naturally as most speak. Overall the book was a joy to read and refreshing, if not original, take on the future and I suggest that you DO NOT PASS this title.”
8. What comes next?
I’m currently about 60K words into Lenders III. Considering L1 and L2 are about 220K words each, I’m less than a third done. As I write this, half of those 60K words in L3 are close to final draft. It’s coming along very, very well. And I couldn’t be more excited.
9. Where can we learn more?
Here on my site. Subscribe below to get an email every Thursday.
I’m on just about every social media site, but most active on Twitter and Facebook.
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