Travis Borne is a father of four fantastic kids! And he is supported by his beautiful wife of more than twenty years. Travis is a coder of various programming languages, creates plug-ins for graphic software, designs dynamic websites, and has been in the graphics industry for nearly twenty years.
An avid hiker, Travis loves the outdoors, usually spending an hour or so running or walking before starting the daily grind. A few of his passions include the studies and experiences of lucid dreaming, fitness and nutrition, science, astronomy, particle physics, and of course whipping words into bizarre concoctions.
No matter the temperature you might run into him outdoors, trekking with either of his two large dogs: Miller the sometimes lazy, golden retriever, or George, the newfypoo with boundless energy. Spending time with family is given priority whenever possible. As his wife says, he always pushes things to the extreme—a good thing, and bad, as it has turned out at times.

LENDERS I: The Unlicensed Consciousness, is Travis’s first novel. Lenders proofreading service provided by the man himself, master “Word Refiner,” Mark Shultz, who says, “I am going to give it a score of 5.1 stars, on a 5-point scale. Yes, I know, I cheated. Read the book yourself and tell me I am wrong!”
LENDERS II: The Time Tribulations, is Travis’ second novel and he is currently in the process of writing the first draft to, possibly the final experience of the Lender’s trilogy, LENDERS III. Lenders II was also proofread by MArk Shultz. He elaborates, “This sci-fi story is a sweeping and epic tale! Can we call it sweepic?” Mark and I had a blast working together on Lenders I and II, and we plan to work together on LENDERS III, soon!

Travis has many ideas for future novels and plans to keep at it until he burns himself out—and probably ends up flying real airplanes instead of imaginary ones, or getting himself lost (HINT: last chapter of Lenders II).
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