NOTE: Lenders 1 REBOOTED! (Kindle only—for now).
Refresh your Kindle copy of Lenders 1. Up to chapter 29 (Ana) is REMASTERED! More coming soon! ENJOY!
Welcome to a breathtaking Science Fiction journey unlike all others. Where crafty machines rule the day and feeble humans are at the bottom of the food chain.
Begin Your Saga… The Unlicensed Consciousness
Become enthralled! Available on Kindle & Paperback! (Immerse yourself in the Kindle version by downloading the Kindle app. Read on any phone or tablet)
Inside the Kindle version… What you get: The Kindle version of Lenders I (3rd Edition), has EVERYTHING, including these 4 bonus chapters!
- The Reef
- The Zoo
- Flyin’ Fran
- Travis’ Rambling and Highlights
Inside the paperback version of the novel! What you get: The Paperback of Lenders I (4th edition). Same as the 3rd Edition noted above, minus the 4 BONUS chapters. INCLUDED: 600+ pages that’ll have you laughing, exhilarated, and crying! If you must have a paper version, this is for you. Want the bonus chapters? Be sure to pick up the Kindle version too. Proofreading services provided by THE MAN, master “Word Refiner” Mark Schultz.
Next, Buckle Up… LENDERS II: The Time Tribulations
Buckle your seat-belt! Available on Kindle & Paperback! (Dive into the Kindle version now, by downloading the Kindle app on your phone or tablet)
Kindle. What you get: The Kindle version of Lenders II (1st Edition), has EVERYTHING! Proofreading services provided by THE MAN, master “Word Refiner” Mark Schultz.
Paperback. What you get: The Paperback of Lenders II. Same as above, has everything. 600+ pages that’ll have you laughing, exhilarated and crying! Lenders II will take you where you’ve never gone before.
Coming Soon! LENDERS III: The Journey Back
Want more?
Learn more about author Travis Borne? Read his “uncensored” interview here
& NEW for 2019 Travis Borne “First Sci-Fi Saturday” interview by Author Tegon Magus!
Follow Travis on Facebook | Twitter | BookBub | Google+ | YouTube | Instagram | LinkedIn | LENDERS FB Fan Page!
“This is the best book I have read this year. Sci-fi is my favorite genre, and I am going to give it a score of 5.1 stars, on a 5-point scale. Yes, I know, I cheated. Read the book yourself and tell me I am wrong.”
~Mark Shultz
Official Description: LENDERS: The Unlicensed Consciousness
…Amy devised a plan yesterday, while thinking about how on earth she could possibly do it…
Welcome to a breathtaking Science Fiction journey unlike all others. Where crafty machines rule the day and feeble humans are at the bottom of the food chain.

Intrepid youngster Amy aches to discover herself. Who is she- and how did she come to be? There is a burning pain she feels deep within her soul which can only come from past hardship and injustice. She is set to strike back… and Lord have mercy on any fool who chooses to stand in her way! Yes indeed, there is something very special about Amy!
Enter into a world run by machines. The very same Artificial Intelligence which was created by the humans whom it now controls. All trace of a once thriving human civilization confined within the walls of a “Lending Facility” run by the very same machines. They greedily feed upon the human minds and consciousness for ultimate power and sustenance. People delegated to the role of cattle in a mind-milking installation.
How did all of this come to be- and what can one lone girl do to change such dire circumstances? When an unforeseen event transpires out of the blue, courageous Amy is about to find out. The aftermath will create an unimaginable chain of events which will not only show Amy that she is not alone… but that she may indeed be powerful beyond measure!
Be sure not to miss out on the other gripping titles in this mind-blowing series!
Lenders 2: The Time Tribulations
In the past… Alone in vision, but not in mission. Will Herald and his team succeed where most civilizations of the Universe fail?
In the future… Can Amy and Jim slip through where all others have failed?
Will a humanity prove itself worthy?

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